Archive for the ‘ Olympics ’ Category

Olympics: Who Can Care?

The Opening Ceremonies of the XXXth Olympiad, the London Olympics, have finished and I figured I should post something about the colossal event, just to feel like a part of something global.  The big problem is that the olympics do nothing for me.  I’m more of a team sport kind of guy.  The fastest man in the world race is always fascinating, but is over in a flash.  Gymnastics, swimming, fencing…could care less.  Now that they’ve done away with baseball (can’t figure out why…I mean….how many countries cross-country ski while shooting things?) I’m left with two events to watch: basketball and soccer.

Euro 2012 finished about a month ago.  There’s really only so much soccer I can watch, especially when it’s national teams.  The whole world knows that club soccer far outranks country in all measurable ways.  Unless your Serbia and Croatia, these games are about as meaningful as nipples on men. Continue reading